Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Besides photography I enjoy to film

In my introduction I discussed how I love to take photos but I also enjoy writing and filming. In high school I spent three years at the Career and Technology learning video production. Throughout my time their I fell in love with script writing and would brainstorm ideas for various short films.

To write my scripts I used a software called Celtx. Celtx allows you too write out your scripts and make them look more professional. In my senior year I used my writing skills, creative mind, and simple video tricks and challenged my friends and I to enter in Frederick's 72 hour film festival. At the festival we placed with the best student film. Here is a link to the film and I hope you guys enjoy it!

That film was made of a year ago and looking at it there are some ways to improve the story line. When writing a script it is is important to have one thing, and that is drama. Although you may not like drama in your life, drama will help create a very successful film. One way to get drama in the story is to have opposites. So lets take this short film called the Blue Umbrella and see if there is opposites.

Blue Umbrella

Within the first 28 seconds there are multiple opposites. First off it shows people feet walking then it goes to a construction sign that is still. Those are opposites and it happens twice. Then you see in the reflection of the window that a big storm is coming. Also the street light was off then it turns on. Off and On.... Opposites. Then the rain hits the ground, then they go higher up to a mailbox, then rain is shown hitting the top of a store, then back to the ground. I think you guys get the idea. But it is the little things that make story line more interesting and dramatic.

I hope from reading this you learned a little something about amateur script writing and what software you can use to help you get started!

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